This Life-Changing App Will Help Perfect Your Smile


Image courtesy of Byte

Invisible aligners are no new concept. But with more choices than ever before, it’s hard to know which brand to go with. 

Until now, that is. 

Byte is a dentist-reviewed at-home invisible alignment treatment that’s making it easier than ever to get in touch with a dentist and track your progress remotely. Thanks to the My Byte app, getting the smile of your dreams has never been so straightforward. 

To learn a bit more about the app and how it is transforming smiles across Australia, we spoke with the general manager of Byte Australia, Diandra Phipps to learn more. We also got some input from Dr Saskia Salvestro, an Australian dental practitioner who provides clear aligner treatment as part of her practice.

Benefits of Using the My Byte App

Image courtesy of Byte

By using an app to measure progress, users of the My Byte app are more likely to achieve the desired outcomes. “The key to success in achieving the smile that customers want is the customers' compliance and real-time support from the Byte customer care team,” says Diandra Phipps. “The use of the app provides helpful reminders to ensure compliance by allowing the customer and Byte to monitor progress each week during treatment as they change aligners. This ensures results are in line with the proposed treatment plan outcomes.”  

But accountability isn’t the only benefit of the app. In addition to monitoring compliance for treatment plans, the app also offers reminders to do monthly check-ins, take photos, and use the Hyper Byte tool, a high-frequency vibrational tool that contributes to a speedy process. The app “also provides access to helpful information and easy access to Byte’s customer experience and treatment care teams for ongoing support”, so patients never feel unsure about their treatment or its projected timeframe. 

On the flip side, Byte and its dental practitioners also benefit from patients using the app. According to Phipps, “Monthly check-ins provide the Byte team with critical information to troubleshoot any issues proactively during treatment.” This constant stream of communication and feedback allows the Byte team “to ensure aligners are fitting properly, which allows Byte to troubleshoot with the customer to ensure the customer can progress in their treatment as planned.”

The result is an alignment process that’s easy, straightforward, and enjoyable for patients and practitioners alike. Even though it’s all conducted remotely, from creating the mould to taking progress photos, the constant check-ins allowed by My Byte ensure that each treatment goes to plan. 

Personalised Experience

All of this sounds pretty great, right? But how do they get it right each time?

While the idea of a remote aligner treatment like Byte sounds great, patients are often concerned about the quality of service they will receive. Each person has a different set of needs, a different treatment plan, and different aspects of their smile they’re trying to adjust. 

Thankfully, Byte has carefully considered these factors and worked the individuality of patients’ cases into the My Byte app and overall aligner experience. “Everyone's starting point is different,” Phipps agrees. “Some customers may have a very short treatment plan based on their oral starting point while others may have a longer treatment plan. However, the app environment — the look, feel, and accessibility — does not change and is a streamlined process to ensure best customer support.” No matter your plan, practitioners will work closely with each patient via the app to ensure the best possible results. 

 Dr Saskia Salvestro confirms: “With an at-home solution that has a paired app, providing patients instant feedback and reassurance gives a sense of stability in an otherwise unfamiliar journey to an improved smile. I often see my patients in the clinic every 4-6 weeks during clear aligner treatment, mainly to ensure the treatment is progressing correctly. Technology like the MyByte App, for instance, allows dentists and their care teams access to patient treatment progress, which may be more beneficial, as opposed to scheduling frequent physical appointments.”

Learn More About Byte

The best part of this all is that Byte and the My Byte app are widely available all around the world. You don’t have to live near a dentist or have an expensive consultation to begin your clear aligner journey. 

For further information, simply visit Byte’s website and follow @byteofficial_au for a close-up look at how it all works. 

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Author Bio:

Jacob Hall

Jacob is a writer who loves travel, beach days, and speaking foreign languages. Jacob has his own blog, Democratista, where he talks about society, history, and political economy.

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