One Beauty Brand Is Paving The Way in The Gut-Beauty Connection


Beauty, it turns out, starts in the gut. 

Ignoring that link is one of the biggest mistakes you’re probably making with your skincare (along with not wearing sunscreen every day). 

This is where Carla Oates—AKA, The Beauty Chef—comes in. Sydney-based Oates created her globally successful brand in 2009, after realising how many nasties were in mainstream skincare. She started exploring natural alternatives. To say she became an expert would be an understatement; she literally "wrote the book" on organic skincare and support, called Feeding Your Skin.

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When her daughter started struggling with eczema and allergies, Carla implemented a gut-focused regimen inspired by her research for the book and immediately noticed a significant improvement in her daughter’s skin, as well as the whole family’s wellbeing.

Impressed by the results, Carla started experimenting further with gut-supporting superfoods in her kitchen and developed GLOW—which became the first product for her brand, The Beauty Chef

GLOW was such a success that The Beauty Chef—with the help of microbiologists, naturopaths and nutritionists—went on to develop more supplements for specific concerns, as well as all-natural topical skincare, and the brand is now a leader in the edible beauty industry. 

Oates firmly believes that ignoring inner health is the number one thing people are doing wrong for their skin, followed closely by using too many toxic skin care products. 

She says that proper nutrition and healthy digestion will keep everything—including our skin, hair and nails—functioning optimally. And she's not the only one. 

More and more research is surfacing to suggest that the gut is the centre of the immune system, controlling around 70 per cent of the process. This gut microbiome controls the manufacture of neurotransmitters, regulation of hormones, neutralisation of pathogens, elimination of toxins, and creation of nutrients—so it's important to keep it in tip-top shape. 

The easiest way you can get your gut in order is to add probiotics to your diet, either with whole foods that have high levels of probiotics such as kimchi, sauerkraut and kefir, or with a supplement like one from The Beauty Chef range.

“It doesn’t sound very glamorous, but the gut is where the seeds for health and beauty are planted,” Oates says on her website. “Clear, glowing skin occurs when you feed your body nutrient-dense food and cultivate a healthy gut microbiome—the mini-ecosystem that lives inside each one of us and is home to trillions of microorganisms and over 1,000 different species of bacteria.” 

The Beauty Chef now has a cult following around the world, with rave reviews for its supplements and skincare range. Here’s a quick rundown of the brand's bestsellers. 

3 of The Best Beauty Chef Products

CLEANSE Inner Beauty Support

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the beauty chef, cleanse inner beauty support ($65)

This powder supplement supports your natural cleansing process, with fibre, prebiotics and probiotics to help you supercharge a cleanse. Formulated with plenty of superfoods for your daily dose of greens, plus choline to help liver function and metabolism, and Flora Culture™, a specially designed bio-fermentation process to help make ingredients more bioavailable. Stir through water or lukewarm herbal tea and enjoy the naturally sweet flavour. 

GLOW Inner Beauty Essential

the beauty chef glow inner beauty essential

the beauty chef, glow inner beauty essential ($65)

This powder supplement gives skin a glow from the inside out thanks to its 18 organic whole foods that offer bio-fermented probiotics and prebiotics, vitamin C, zinc, provitamin A, broad-spectrum B vitamins and antioxidants. It’s naturally sweetened and berry flavoured, and is Certified Organic, vegan, with no artificial flavours, preservatives or colours.

INNER BEAUTY Boost Discovery Kit

glow inner beauty boost discovery kit

the beauty chef, inner beauty boost discovery kit ($85)

For more targeted treatments, this set of four elixirs are great additions to your daily supplement. Collagen has high levels of vitamin C to help increase collagen production for healthy skin, hair and nails. Antioxidant is full of ingredients that help protect against free radical damage. Adaptogen has vitamins B6 and B12 to calm and refresh your complexion. Finally, Hydration replenishes and nourishes with hydrating ingredients. 

PSA: You should add these French pharmacy products to your beauty routine ASAP.


Author Bio:

Hannah Bio.png

Hannah Warren

Hannah was born in New Zealand and is based wherever she can set down a laptop. She's been playing with words since she could first pick up a pen, and in her spare time she's a pole dancer, pasta glutton and dog mum.

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